I painted a Tale of Two Tiger’s coming out of lockdown when feelings of anger and confusion were prominent. I wanted to express that in this painting with clashing colours and rebellious plant life. Then I really had to work at making something beautiful out of an unstable situation. It took several attempts but I got there in the end. A lot of work went in. It was to my surprise an instant hit and has been transformed into my favourite luxury silk scarf, prints and cards.
Tale of Two Tigers – Card
I painted a Tale of Two Tiger’s coming out of lockdown when feelings of anger and confusion were prominent. I wanted to express that in this painting with clashing colours and rebellious plant life. Then I really had to work at making something beautiful out of an unstable situation. It took several attempts but I got there in the end. A lot of work went in. It was to my surprise an instant hit and has been transformed into my favourite luxury silk scarf, prints and cards.